Woyane Puppets Kicked out from Ethiopian Meeting in Israel


Unity of Oromo Struggle is a priority The Oromo want dignity, self-expression, and self-governance. The Oromo want their voices to be heard. The Oromo want sovereignty They want to live together at peace with their neighbors, who themselves also live in freedom exercising their own sovereignty.The struggle for independence will continue until the Oromo question gets proper and just response. A well organized liberation struggle and the spirit of Oromummaa will save the nation’s unity and identity from later day detractors. Long Live Free Oromiyaa!!Down with Colonial forces and their lackeys!!

Posted on 10/10/2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. kkkkkkkkkkk it is amaazing they deserve that woyanes every where are the killers

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